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Volume 18, Issue 37


Andrews Academy's

Official Newsletter

January 10, 2025


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Latin American Culture II Class


The Latin American Culture II class is learning about Mexico’s traditions for the Christmas season. Mexico, as well as other Latin American countries, celebrates Three Kings Day on January 6, remembering when the Three Wise Men followed the star to Bethlehem to worship the new born King. Part of the tradition is to place shoes close to the Christmas tree to let the wise men know who lives in the house to receive gifts from them. This week, when the students came to class, they were happy to see that they got chocolate in their shoes!

More photos on Facebook

Bible Camp


Bible Camp is next week (January 16-19). The group plans to leave at around 12:30 PM on Thursday.


Participating students, if you lost your list of what to bring, please come to the main office for another one.


No School on

January 20


Since Monday, January 20, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there is no school on that day.


Important Deadlines from the Registrar’s Office:

  • Tuesday, January 21, 2025: Drop/Add Class Deadline

  • Friday, January 31: Junior Honor Proposals Due 


E-Learning Day for 11th & 12th Grades and

MAP Testing for 9th & 10th Grades 

Wednesday, January 22, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Grades 9 & 10 will be taking the MAP Test on Wednesday, January 22. There is no cost, and no preparation is needed other than to get a good night's rest and eat a hearty breakfast.

Students should arrive at school at 8:00 AM. Testing will begin promptly at 8:30 AM and should conclude by 12:00 PM.

Lunch will not be served.

Please make sure that your student(s) arrive on time and are picked up on time as well.

We encourage the students to bring a book to read or homework that can be completed if finished with a section ahead of time.

Grades 9 & 10 will have e-learning in the afternoon. Be sure to check Google Classroom and your email for any assignments for your afternoon classes that begin at 12:00 PM or later.

Grades 11 & 12 will be learning at home that day. Students should check Google Classroom and your email for each class to see what may have been assigned for that day.


Ms. Leslie Nieves

AA Guidance Counselor


REMINDER: Backpack Policy


Students should store their backpack in their locker. They should only take their books and materials to class. Backpacks are not permitted in the classrooms, library, or the hallways outside of the classrooms.

Loose backpacks on the floor or in the hallways create hazards to the safe egress from the classroom or the hallways and impede exit routes in the case of a fire or tornado evacuation. 


Students may use whatever backpack they choose to carry their books and materials to and from school; however, these backpacks should safely fit in their Academy locker and be kept there. We recommend that students who need to transport a computer or tablet acquire a small protective sleeve.


REMINDER: Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy

To maintain a safe teaching and learning environment for students, teachers, staff, and the community, the Academy has a strict electronic devices policy.


Any violation of this policy or otherwise inappropriate use of electronic devices in text messaging, recording, loudspeakers, or electronic photo capabilities will lead to immediate confiscation, and may lead to further disciplinary action. Students should arrange with the office to pick up their confiscated device(s). 

Exceptions to this policy will only be made based on medical necessities or other special needs that are recognized by school officials and/or officially documented by appropriate professionals.


Cell Phones & Smart Watches:
Cell phones and smart watches should be kept in a safe place—such as a locker (devices should be neither seen nor heard)—and are not to be used during the school day or during on-campus school activities during school hours. Students may use their cell phones during school hours only under the following limited circumstances: 

  1. Students may check their cell phones for important messages at their lockers 5 minutes before their lunch period ends. Phone should then be redeposited in a safe storage area after checking messages.

  2. With the express permission of a school teacher or administrator. Students may come to the main office to use their phone with permission.

Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices: 
Students are not allowed to record any person, including students or teachers/staff, without the express permission of the person whose picture is being taken during the school day. Photos and video recordings are prohibited in locker rooms and bathrooms.


Trips and Tours: 
Electronic devices may be used for trips or tour events in which cell phone/electronic device use is deemed appropriate by the sponsor.


Textbook Buyback


We are excited to announce an initiative aimed at helping reduce the cost of books for the 2025-2026 school year. 


AA is implementing a Textbook Buyback Program, which will allow us to purchase books that were used by students this semester/school year. Soon we will be sharing detailed information regarding the buyback process, including the list of eligible books, pricing, and procedures.

This program is designed to make book costs more manageable for our families while promoting sustainable practices.


Note that some textbooks are used all school year, and that we will also buy books back this coming summer.


We encourage all families to keep an eye out for further communications with specific dates and instructions. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office.


Thank you for your continued support of Andrews Academy and for partnering with us in this initiative.


Opting into Texting for One Call Now

Andrews Academy utilizes One Call Now, an automated messaging service, to contact students and parents about school cancellations, upcoming events, and performances, etc.

Please make sure that we have the phone number that you would like to have contacted. We also send an email, put the announcement on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and alert local TV stations (WSBT, WNDU, ABC57).

To receive a text notification instead of a call (text works best), please text “ALERT” to 22300. Please make sure that you have given us the number that you would like to be texted on as well. Email with any changes. Thank you!


Parents Positively Involved (PPI)

As the AA school year and events are well under way, we are thrilled with the parent involvement thus far. There are many more opportunities to serve, and I encourage you to look ahead at the school calendar of events.


Please email me ( if you are available and willing to serve at any of these events. Note that all volunteers need to do the Sterling VOlunteers~ Mrs. Kimberly Spare





Payment #6 is due on or before January 25. You may put your payment in the drop box on the post by the main doors if needed.


Please contact Ms. Gracie at with questions.


Math Class Celebration

Ms. Chao, AA science and math teacher, invited the principal to join in the celebration that she organized for her 2:25 math class. She has been stressing the need to do the daily homework to help with retention. She shared the “Forgetting Curve,” which illustrates how little one retains if we do not practice and work with ideas we have just learned. Within 24 hours only 50 percent is retained, and after seven days, only 10 percent is retained. By doing homework either in study hall or after school, so much more is retained, and the student doesn’t have to relearn the concepts that they would have forgotten. 

When Ms. Chao noticed that each student in her 2:25 class completed every homework assignment (a way to retain information) on time, she ordered a cake from Apple Valley to celebrate with the students. She had Principal Ruben Perez-Schulz present the cake, and he commended the students for an excellent beginning to their new semester and encouraged each to keep up the good work. (January 9, 2025)

More photos on Facebook

Chapel Recap: Joshua 1, 5-6


On Wednesday, Kyle Hardinge, from the class of 2023 and brother of Elena, returned to AA to share insights on Joshua 1. Here God commissioned Joshua to be a new leader of Israel and stated three times, “Be strong and of good courage.” Kyle focused on having courage, which is to have the commitment to do right no matter the cost because we are in a spiritual battle. God is calling us to be courageous for Him. Kyle shared some of his experience this past school year while at Southern Adventist University. Instead of following his own plans, he felt called to join SALT (soul winning and leadership training) at Southern to be courageous for Jesus. He shared how he has been blessed by doing this and being courageous for Jesus.  


Elizabeth Dyman, AA junior, presented a well documented summary of chapters 5-6 during Thursday’s chapel. The Israelites entered Canaan and were to conquer the city of Jericho. They sent in spies to learn more of the city and marched around the city as instructed, and the walls fell. Lizzy presented numerous photos of archeologists discovering artifacts around Jericho that proves the walls fell, and the city was burned to the ground as God had instructed back in 1400 BC. Rahab the prostitute lived in the wall of the city, which was the least safe place to live, the location of outcasts. God used this outcast for great things. God saw who she could be, not who she was. God also sees who we could be, and our sins are not how He defines us. 

Today (Friday), Mrs. Erin Dockerty, parent  of senior Anabel and leader of parents that pray for the school, presented chapel. Each Thursday morning, a group of parents gather at the school and pray for the students and the school. She read portions of Joshua 5 of Joshua “standing on Holy ground,” and he talked with God. Mrs. Dockerty then had the students visualize entering into a room with God who is so excited to meet with you, and then she asked them to share with Him that they love Him. She also asked students to write any prayer requests that the parent prayer group can pray over.

More photos on Facebook

Attention Students: If you would like Friday's boxed lunch, those who are signed up for the lunch program must order it each week by Wednesday at 2:00 PM. The sign-up sheet will be at lunch or in the front office.

Parents: To sign your student up for the lunch program or add funds to your student's account, please pay at the Academy main office (cash/check/credit card) until a website is set up to load funds online. You may still pay cash or check in the Academy office even when the website is available. The preset amount for 20 lunches is $132, unless your student has been approved for reduced lunch.


Free Counseling Offered at Andrews University

The Andrews Community Counseling Center (ACCC) opens on January 13 for spring semester. Individuals may call now and leave a confidential voicemail message to get on the request list. 


The graduate-level practicum students who provide these free counseling services at the ACCC have training in counseling adults, adolescents, and children. Counseling sessions are completely confidential. See the attached flyer for more information.



More information
Full Calendar on Website
2024-25 Year-at-a-Glance Calendar

Textbook Information

Our online textbook store is open. Please follow the instructions for purchasing workbooks and digital content that are automatically placed in your cart, which is required to purchase from them as part of our contract. The bookstore will list all of the textbooks required for each class that the student is registered for (note that some textbooks are optional if there is digital content required).

Email Mrs. Gina Meekma ( with log in difficulties. Contact EdTech with questions about your order.


AA Uniforms Available from Lands' End


Uniforms can be purchased from Lands’ End, including for PE. Click on the option(s) that you would like, then choose the size (kid or adult). Please be mindful that Andrews Academy is not responsible for your orders.


We understand that uniforms are on back order from Land's End. We do have a limited supply of uniforms for sale at AA (cash or check only) during office hours.

Please review the Sourcebook (pgs 79-81) for more information regarding uniforms. Only approved logoed uniform wear is allowed. A solid-color, long sleeved undershirt may be worn under the AA short-sleeved polo (no writing should be visible on the undershirt). If a student is wearing an AA logoed jacket, they should also have an AA logoed shirt underneath. Only AA logoed jackets are allowed to be worn in the building.


The PE uniform can only be worn during PE class.

AA's Lands' End Store

Google Account Security Key Required

PLEASE note that if your child still has their security key from last year, you DO NOT NEED to purchase them a new one.

If you have not done so already, please purchase the Multi-Factor Authentication Security Key for all AA students. This key is essential for your child to access all Google platforms (AU email, Google Classroom, etc.), as well as secure documents from Andrews University and Andrews Academy. Each student needs their own security key.


Security Key Link


If you have any further questions, feel free to email me.


Forms to check out a school computer for use at home during the school year can be found in the main office. Both a parent and the student's signatures are required.


Thank you for your cooperation,

Mr. Caleb Akins, MA

Media Ministry Director

Andrews Academy


FACTS or Andrews Email Log In Help

If you need help logging in to FACTS or help with your Andrews email and password, please contact Mrs. Gina Meekma ( in the main office.

You can find your schedule, grades, missing assignments, etc. on FACTS.


Important Attendance Information

  • Pre-arranged Absences: Please be sure to fill out a pre-arranged absence card if you know in advance that you will be missing school due to a doctor/dentist/orthodontist appointment, trip, basketball tournament, driver's test, etc. These cards can be found in the main office or online. A parent's signature is required, then the office, and teacher(s) of the class(es) that you will miss.
  • Class Schedule Adjustment (CSA) Requests: A CSA is available for students who have a study hall at the beginning or ending of the school day or will be working during a study hall during the school day. A CSA is required for students who leave the Academy to attend classes at Andrews University, who are going to work off campus, or who wish to begin the school day later or leave earlier on a regular basis. The CSA request form must be filled out and signed by everyone indicated on the form before the student stops attending their study hall. Students must adhere to CSA guidelines that are printed on the CSA application. Any violation may cause the CSA to be revoked. I will email students and parents when a CSA is approved.

  • Other Absences: Parents, please call the front office (269-471-3138) or email if your student is going to be absent or tardy. These are the preferable methods.

Please provide the reason why your child will not be attending school and how long you think they will be out.

Parents/Guardians are the only authorized individuals who can excuse a student's attendance. When emailing, parents must send correspondence from their email account to maintain the validity of the request. Please include the name of the student.

From the Sourcebook (pg. 83):

Students who miss three (3) consecutive school days due to illness must provide written documentation from a certified medical professional corroborating the necessity of that absence.

For any attendance questions that you would like to ask by email, please direct these questions to

Thank you!


Ms. Leslie Nieves
Guidance Counselor/Attendance Officer
Andrews Academy


School Communications


The E-Sanjo and other communications from the school, including classroom teacher communications, use the email address(es) that you (and your parents) have recorded in FACTS when you registered for Andrews Academy. We will also use students' AU email address. Some have been wondering why they are not receiving their school communications to a certain email. If you wish to have communications sent to a specific email address, please send the change to Thank you!


Mondays - Thursdays:
7:40 AM - 4:30 PM

Fridays: 7:40 AM - 2:30 PM




Main Office: or call 269-471-3138
Principal: or
Application/Enrollment Process:

Financial Questions:

Class Schedule Questions:


Guidance Counselor:

Faculty & Staff Contact Info
Useful Documents
Sourcebook (revised 2021-22)

Andrews Academy

8833 Garland Ave Berrien Springs, MI 49104

