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Volume 15, Issue 68


Andrews Academy's

Official Newsletter

April 22, 2022


Daughters of the American Revolution Award Recipient


The Algonquin Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution presents Good Citizen Awards to various students in Berrien County. Daughters are women who are passionate about community service, preserving history, educating children, as well as honoring and supporting those who serve our nation.

On April 21, the Algonquin Chapter of DAR Good Citizen Chair Patricia Hill and Andrews Academy DAR Coordinator Virginia Clark presented Michaela Bokon with a DAR Good Citizen pin, a certificate, and $25. Each year they honor an AA senior who has demonstrated the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. Usually this award is given at their annual awards program which was not held this year due to COVID.


Backpacking Tour

Yesterday (Thursday), 24 students and 9 chaperones set out on an adventure to conquer some of the Smoky Mountain trails; challenge themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually; and spend some time enjoying God’s creation. 

The journey will be tough, but we trust that during this experience they will build friendships, team work, and most importantly, they will be able to see God in amazing new ways. Please keep the group in your prayers for traveling mercies and God’s protection. (April 21-27, 2022)


We hope to receive photos as the trip progresses; however, many times they do not have cell phone coverage. So, parents don't be alarmed if there aren't pictures every day.

More photos on FB

Andrews Academy Receives a Recommended Six Year Status of Accreditation

At the close of the day on Tuesday (April 19), the accreditation Visiting Team reported back to the AA faculty and board with its conclusions. After going through details of their report, they concluded with a Recommended Status of Accreditation of Six years with a mid-cycle visit. There will also be a one-year special focus visit to review the school’s Continuous School Improvement Plan (Strategic Plan). The Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools (AAA) is an educational accreditation body operated by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The NAD Commission on Accreditation (NADCOA), a division of AAA, will receive this recommendation when it convenes its annual meeting at the end of July when NADCOA will then process this recommendation and vote to approve or modify this recommendation. In the fall, official certificates that reflect the Academy’s updated status of accreditation will be provided by the NAD Office of Education. An additional accreditation was also concurrently conducted by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA), a national independent accreditation organization. MSA will issue its certificate later in the fall. A six-year accreditation recommendation is the upper limit of an accreditation term.


The members of the accreditation team consisted of teachers, principals, and education superintendents from various places throughout the United States. They examined details of the Academy’s accreditation documents developed and completed this school year to reflect how AA is endeavoring to meet various standards of accreditation. While the team visited the school for a couple of days this week, its work began remotely about one month ago. While on campus, the accreditation team conducted observations and interviews, as well as reviewed features of the school that were documented in our report. Upon completion of these observations and many hours of dialogue, the accreditation team made a recommendation that reflects the school’s status of accreditation and the length of the recommended accreditation status.

Principal Ferguson and
AA Board Chair Fares Magesa

The accreditation team met with several teachers and administrators, and then met with a group of students. Team members also visited classrooms to see first-hand what is happening at AA. In one of these pictures, two members of the accreditation team visited the biology classroom and were greeted by the baby chickens that are in the room.

Thank you, team members, for your time, and thank you, Principal Ferguson and Mrs. Meekma, for your many hours of work processing the myriad of documents that the faculty and administration worked on together these last few months. 


2022-2023 Re-Enrollment

Andrews Academy’s administration and staff welcomes you to re-enroll for the 2022-2023 school year. Please take time now to complete your child’s enrollment for next year.

  • Instructions and forms are located on the Andrews Academy website.

Class Schedule Information:

Once you have re-enrolled online and completed your Financial Agreement with Ms. Gracie (, you will receive an email with instructions on how to make an appointment for a class schedule with our Registrar, Ms. Ivonne.




Tuition payment #9 is due on or before this Monday, April 25.

Tuition payment #10 for SENIORS is due on or before Monday, May 2.


Asynchronous Day for 11th & 12th Grades and

MAP Testing for 9th & 10th Grades

Next Friday, April 29,
7:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Grades 9 & 10 will be taking the MAP Test next Friday, April 29. There is no cost, and no preparation is needed other than to get a good night's rest and eat a hearty breakfast.

Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 AM and end at 1:00 PM. We will provide a light breakfast snack. Lunch will not be served. Students should arrive at 7:45 AM on testing day. Please make sure that your student(s) arrive on time and are picked up on time as well.

We encourage the students to bring a book to read or homework that can be completed if finished with a section ahead of time.

Grades 9 & 10 will also have asynchronous learning in the afternoon. Be sure to check Google Classroom for any assignments for your afternoon classes that begin at 12:00 PM or later.

Grades 11 & 12 will be at home that day. They should check Google Classroom for each of their classes to see what may have been assigned for that day.

Ms. Leslie Nieves, Guidance Counselor


Kosrae 5K

On Sunday, May 15, at 8:00 AM, the Intro to Running class is hosting a fundraising 5K run for the island of Kosrae. The tickets will be sold at the event, costing $10 for students and $15 for everyone else. Donations will be accepted in the school office. The run will start and end at Andrews Academy, and there will be water stops along the way with refreshments at the end. We hope to see you there!

Read more about Kosrae

One Small Step for Chicken, One Giant Leap for Chicken Kind!

Earth science class is currently studying features of the moon by looking at a moon globe and locating various features of the moon. In a photogenic opportunity, we spontaneously thought of having the classroom baby chickens “land on the moon.” As they were being set down on the location where Apollo 11 landed and man stepped on the moon for the first time, a student spontaneously modified the famous quote to, “One small step for chicken, one giant leap for chicken kind!” She was modifying the statement made when Neal Armstrong stepped on the moon: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."


Junior Class Cookie Dough Fundraiser Continues

Now that the other class fundraisers have concluded the juniors would like to continue to sell the unexpected extra cookie dough we received last December. The remaining cookie dough containers can store over a year in the freezer. They have been kept frozen since December and are available for anyone interested in supporting the Junior class and enjoying fresh cookies. Each container can make 30 cookies. We are selling them at a discounted price of $10. Please stop by Atkins’ classroom to pick some up or contact any junior who would be happy to pick one up for you. We have many chocolate chip, 4 white chip macadamia nut, 1 sugar, and 1 snickerdoodle available.


Chapels this Week

Wednesday’s chapel was a meditative time for singing and praying. Mr. Sherman, Mrs. Pellegrini, Pastor Rojas, and Pastor Ferguson led in prayer.


Sophomore Braden Keyes presented for chapel on Thursday. He had been anticipating this chapel talk for months, but didn’t decide on a topic until last night. Forgiveness is what he settled on. Over the course of his life, Braden has gotten in trouble many times. The first time he remembers getting in trouble is when he broke his older brother’s piggy bank. Last summer, Braden went to summer camp. One night, he and his friends went back to the cafeteria late at night and got caught. Reflecting on all of these events, Braden realizes that he was forgiven each time. This is similar to what God does when we sin. If we ask for forgiveness, God is ready to forget about the wrong we committed. In closing, Braden reminded us that nothing can separate us from God and His forgiveness—we just need to ask. 


It’s Earth Day today (Friday)! In honor of this special day, we had a short presentation from Anna Rybachek. Anna shared the story of a man named Jadav Molai Payeng. Jadav, nicknamed “The Forest Man” of India, wanted to make a positive impact on the world, so he decided to plant  bamboo trees. It started with planting a few and then gradually turned to one every day. The forest of his trees now covers over 1,300 acres of land. Anna pointed out that when we don’t care about our environment, we’re hurting ourselves in the long run. We may not be rich or influential, but we can use the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle to make a small difference in our communities. God calls us to care for His Earth, so let’s get to it! 

More photos on FB

Important: Remember that in order to order lunch, students must have a signed contract with AU Dining Services/Bon Appetit and their ID card. Also, lunches need to be ordered online or through the GET Mobile app at least one day in advance (by 5 PM). See instructions in a previous E-Sanjo or contact Dining Services for more information - 269-471-3161 or If a student orders lunch but then is absent that day, please email Dining Services by 9:00 AM to cancel the order.


2022 Summer Program

Where: Andrews University
Bell Hall, Suite 114

Ages: 12+

What is it?

Social Survival is a therapist led program that combines your love of video games with effective social skill strategies.


What You Will Learn

  • How to carry on effective conversation by using a variety of social strategies

  • How to interpret body language and other non-verbal communication

  • How to connect with peers, maintain friendships, and much more!

For more information:


When: June 13 - July 1 (Monday - Friday)

Ages 12-14: 8:30-9:30
Ages 15-17: 10:00-11:00
Ages 18+: 11:30-12:30

2021-22 Calendar*
2021-22 Year-at-a-Glance
2022-23 Year-at-a-Glance

* There are options to subscribe to the 2021-22 school calendar on our website.


RAD Self-Defense Class

Who: Ladies ages 12 & up
Wonderful mother/daughters, girl's evenings, and any lady who would like to learn some potentially life-saving methods of self-defense.

When: Monday, April 25 - Wednesday, April 27
5:30-9:00 PM
Food will be provided.

Where: The Community Center at the Stevensville Adventist Church
6657 Stevensville-Baroda Rd
Stevensville, MI

Cost: Free (donations welcome)

Reserve your spot by April 21 by texting Jen Lemon (269-340-2264).


Regular School Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday:
7:40 AM – 4:00 PM

Friday: 7:40 AM – 2:00 PM

Faculty & Staff Contact Info
2021-22 Sourcebook


Registrar/Class Schedule:
Financial Plan:

Guidance Counselor:


Please remember, if a student has been exposed to, or tests positive for, COVID-19, this information should be sent via email to and

Updated Quarantine Procedures
Berrien County Health Dept Info for Schools & Families

Andrews Academy

8833 Garland Ave Berrien Springs, MI 49104

