Andrews Academy's
Official Newsletter
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Farewell to "Ms. G"
Andrews Academy is sad to announce the departure of our Vice Principal and Development officer, Mrs. Girlie Aguilar. She is a dedicated, committed, mission-minded, God-fearing, and selfless servant-leader. During her year at Andrews Academy, she worked closely with students, helping them manage their time and make wise choices as they learn to navigate their way through their high school experience.
Ms. G made a lot of progress in getting our Development program going, raising much-needed funds for worthy students, to help students who otherwise would not be able to attend AA. She also helped set up a non-endowed fund for worthy students honoring Sharon Russell, as requested by Mrs. Russell's former students. In her short time with us, she connected with and developed many friendships with faculty, students, donors, and alumni.
”When God Calls, I Follow" has always been the motto of Ms. G. Starting in July, she will transition to a new mission field as the Associate Superintendent of Education for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, supporting the 34 schools within its territory.
Let us pray for her as she continues to lead, live, and love the ‘Mission’ of Adventist education, which “prepares students for a useful and joy-filled life, fostering friendship with God, whole-person development."
We will miss you, Ms. G!
Thank You, Mr. Jackson
We want to acknowledge and show our appreciation to our contract English teacher this year, Mr. Matthew Jackson.
Thank you for bringing your dedication and talents to Andrews Academy! You will be missed.
Last Day of School - Communion & Mizpah
After their last exam on Thursday morning (May 23, 2024), the males went to the new park benches behind the school, and the females went to the courtyard. There they participated in foot washing, singing, and testimonial time. Everyone then went to the chapel for more testimonials. Following this was the grape juice and bread portion of Communion. This was a meaningful way to worship together on the last day of school.
Mizpah, the closing program for the school year, began in 1992 under the direction of Dr. Nash. In this program, student leaders present the complete list of student names of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Mr. David VanDenburgh presented the faculty and staff list, and the NHS and SA presidents represented their organizations. These lists of names are then placed in the Mizpah vault located in the theme wall of the Academy Commons. It is our symbolic way of presenting to God the entire Academy student body and faculty from not only this year, but since 1979 when this building opened. By placing the names in the vault, we are placing each person in God’s hands with a prayer that everyone listed will reunite together when God returns to take us to Heaven. The entire school family was then invited to repeat Genesis 31:49: “The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.”
Another very important event of the morning was the Andrews Academy family prayer time. As some of you may recall, we also started the school year with a family prayer time in August. Various people led in a prayer. It was so refreshing to see hundreds of teenagers praying together and for each other as we ended the school year!
Graduation - Class Night
Graduation weekend started with Class Night on Thursday evening, May 23, 2024. This is a time to celebrate and recognize numerous achievements of the class. The program opened with prayer by the class pastor and a welcome by the president followed by a presentation of the class gift.
Each member of the class of 2024 took the opportunity to thank their parents for all they have done and to give a rose as a thank you for their love and support. As their picture was shown and their recorded tribute was played, seniors came to the front of the chapel to collect their roses to give to their parents. This was followed by a tribute to sponsors for all their hard work throughout the four years of working with the class.
Peoples’ Choice Awards were next. This series of awards were voted on by the class to recognize unique contributions of class members. A large portion of the evening was the presentation of awards to individuals for their achievements while at Andrews Academy. There is a whole spectrum of recognition such as spiritual, academics, music, physical education, leadership, responsibility, etc. The Alumni Legacy pin was given to those whose parent attended AA.
Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors pay attention: work hard in school. Numerous seniors were given college scholarships ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 and sometimes even four years of free tuition (over a $129,000 value). Andrews University and other organizations awarded 4.6 million dollars in scholarships to Andrews Academy graduates. Andrews University representatives encouraged each senior to follow the direction that God leads them throughout their life and gave a gift to each senior at the conclusion of the program.
Following the program, a reception was held in the Commons. These were just some of the highlights from a very full evening of celebration.
Thank you to the junior officers and sponsors who worked behind the scenes preparing for the reception and taking care of many details.
Graduation - Consecration
Consecration, Friday evening’s program at Village Adventist Church (May 24, 2024), is the student’s opportunity to commit and consecrate their lives to Christ as they leave the Academy and begin their place in society as an adult.
Mrs. Dawn Moore had the opening prayer for this program. This was followed by a musical selection by Lauren Leonor, Natalie Mendonça, & Towett Shiow.
Alexander Wright introduced the guest speaker, his dad, Richard Wright, AA math/physics teacher. He masterfully used the Gospels to show how Jesus used service to have disciples learn how to become a leader as their class motto says: “Serving Others Prepares You to Lead Others.” Service helps one care for others, be part of a team, get things done, and learn to grow from our mistakes. Their aim, “Leading Through Service,” is the result of learning how to serve. He concluded that, “the greatest is the one who serves.” Jesus showed this by serving humanity by giving his own life so all can be saved.
The class pastor, Marco Sciarabba Badenas, on behalf of the class, accepted this challenge and challenged the class to be leaders by serving. It is always meaningful when a senior decides to be baptized during the Consecration Service. Ian Trutwein was baptized by Pastor Mario Ferguson. Pastor Davide Sciarabba led in a prayer of consecration.
A senior vocal ensemble presented a second musical selection. Mrs. Wendy Keough gave the benediction.
The Consecration service was an inspiring service that indeed focused our attention on consecrating our lives to Jesus. Following the service, many pictures were taken of friends and families.
Graduation - Sabbath School
Graduation Sabbath School was held in the Andrews Academy chapel (May 25, 2024). This experience gave the parents of the seniors the opportunity to creatively give their views of the senior’s childhood, and to admonish, advise, and to assist seniors as they make the transition from Academy into adulthood. The Leonor family led in song service. The Sambu family gave the welcome. Each senior introduced their parent before their parent had their part in the service. Scripture & prayer was led by the Keyes family. Special music was presented by the Hamstra family. The Steinkraus, Crownover, and Baker families each had parent tributes and shared words of wisdom and blessings on the seniors. The call for offering was led by the Kayongo Family, and the Namarodze family had the offertory. A baby dedication was part of this program as well. The Prentice family concluded the program with the benediction.
This program is always such a personal and interesting time of sharing together. We find it interesting to discover how many families move to the Berrien Springs area or refuse job offers elsewhere for the purpose of having their children attend Andrews Academy. It is often during programs like this that parents share how pleased they are for making this choice and for the wonderful experiences their children have had while having their high school education at Andrews Academy.
More photos on Facebook |
Testing Out of Spanish I or II at AA
Spanish I and/or II test out exams will take place this Sunday, June 2, at 2:45 PM in the Andrews Academy library.
The cost is $25 to take the exam, and students can bring cash or a check made to Andrews Academy.
If the student passes the test, an additional $75 will be charged if you would like the school to grant credit.
If you would like to take the test out exam, please email Mrs. Silvestre ( and let her know which one you would like to take. If you have any questions, please let her know.
To log in, use your student's AU email address with the password edtech23.
Returning Laptops
If you have not turned in your school-owned laptop, please do so right away during school office hours (see announcement with office hours). Every laptop turned in should come with the charger and box in which it came.
Any student issued a laptop that is not returned in good condition will incur a $600.00 charge on their account.
Your promptness with this allows us time to ensure that the laptops are received with all components and no damage to them in order to prevent missing or damage charges to student accounts.
Also, if you have a Chromebook that has not been returned, please turn it in right away.
Thank you for your attention and help,
Mr. Caleb Akins
AA Media Ministry
New Students
Applications for new students are open. If you have a current student at AA, you can start a new application packet in FACTS, in the same place that you re-enroll your current student (under Apply/Enroll, click on Application).
For new families, please go to the AA website and click on "Apply Now" for the online application.
AA Website |
Instructions for New Students |
Returning Students
For returning students who have not yet re-enrolled, please log in to FACTS and re-enroll. See the link below for detailed instructions.
Parents, please keep in mind that even if your child was financially cleared, they will not be able to begin class this next school year (2024-25) if their account has a balance.
Re-enrollment Instructions for Returning Students |
Note that payment #1 for new and returning students is due on or before Monday, August 5.
Please contact Ms. Gracie at with questions.
Graduation - Baccalaureate
Sabbath morning of Graduation Weekend (May 25, 2024) was the Baccalaureate service, a worship experience where we can praise our Creator and thank Him for the wonderful things He has done for us.
The service began with a call to worship by Bordes Henry Saturne followed by a number of songs by the AA Praise Team. This was followed by prayer by Youngbo Chun. The Brown Family had the offering call and an AA Brass Ensemble, Strings & Percussion presented the offertory. Ana Flores gave the scripture reading. AA Brass Ensemble & percussion presented special music, “God of Our Fathers.” The organist for the entire weekend was Dr. Logan.
Pastor Lindsey Pratt, PMC Youth Pastor, presented the sermon entitled, “Lessons from Lepers.” She shared lessons from Naaman which helped us realize that when God asks us to do the “foolish thing,” to dip into the water like Naaman did. Naaman’s story reminds us to trust in God, and she encouraged graduates to step into the waters of their future like Naaman did and to remember that as they move forward, they do not know their future but God does. Step into your “water” with Him.
The sermon was followed by a congregational hymn and benediction by Paula Fortune. Everyone sang, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You,” and the recessional was, “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah."
It was a nice morning to gather on the steps of the church for more photos before and after the service. The entire weekend is a time for seniors, friends, and family to connect closer to God and celebrate the accomplishments of His children. Families from Berrien Springs and from around the world enjoyed the celebrations of the weekend.
Graduation - Senior Vespers & Party
The faculty/senior vespers and party on Saturday night (May 25) of graduation weekend was the final vespers and fun time together for the senior class of 2024. Pastor May presented the worship thought. Following this, the first phase provided an opportunity for seniors who wanted to publicly thank a classmate or faculty for something significant during their time at AA. The second phase was to privately either by note or giving a flower and to express thanks for each other. There were tears as seniors realized that this would be their final time together as a least until the reunion in Heaven. We encourage each graduate to keep God number one in their lives so that everyone will be present for the Heavenly class reunion.
The vespers concluded with prayer. We then loaded the bus to a bowling, axe throwing, and table game venue. It was a fun time for all as we participated in the activities, ate pizza, signed yearbooks, and enjoyed each others company.
More photos on Facebook |
Graduation - Commencement
Sunday morning of graduation weekend was Commencement (May 26, 2024). After the class marched in, the AA board chair, Mr. Fares Magesa, began the program with the invocation, followed by class president, Callie Carlsen, who gave the final address to the class. Special music was presented by AA Strings, conducted by Dr. Elsy M. Gallardo-Díaz.
Andrews Academy principal, Pastor Mario Ferguson, presented the Address. He challenged each senior to be a nonconformist with a purpose. He shared Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” We are called to be a people of conviction based on the Bible. Our belief in God will determine our destiny.
Conducted by Mr. Marcelo Martins, the Silhouettes presented two more special musics, “Then Sings My Soul,” and “Goodbye, My Friend.” Richard Wright and Ivonne Segui Medina, senior class sponsors, presented the Class of 2024. Pastor Ferguson then led in the conferring of diplomas. Seniors also received the book “Steps to Christ” from the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
After all the seniors received their diploma cover, they transferred their tassel to the other side, and the new alumni class of 2024 was introduced. The new senior class of 2025 was then introduced. We all sang the commencement hymn, “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.” This was followed by benediction by Pastor Ferguson.
Congratulations, graduates, on your accomplishments. May each of you keep God first as you venture out in your next phase of life.
Throughout the weekend numerous open houses were held. These are always a fun time to share stories, congratulate, and encourage each other. Thank you to the many families who generously shared for these occasions.
It was a fun and spiritually inspiring graduation weekend.
For more photos, including a photo of each graduate receiving their diploma cover, go to Facebook.
The video from graduation will be available soon on our YouTube channel.
P.S. In a few weeks, graduates will be notified that you can stop by the Academy to pick up your graduation packet. You will receive a professional picture of you receiving your diploma, a class picture, as well as other important documents.
Grad Brunch for Incoming Freshmen
This Sunday, June 2, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM, Andrews Academy
Parents of incoming freshmen (9th graders), along with your student, are invited to join us to learn more about Andrews Academy, including our music program and classes, get financial information, sign up for classes, meet many of our faculty and staff, and more. We will eat brunch, and students will have fun activities in the gym as well. Some uniforms will also be available for sale (limited sizes and quantities - cash or check only).
There will be limited financial clearance appointments available. You may also meet with Gracie during the summer, but you cannot move on to online enrollment and reserving classes until you meet with her as well as submit the application and two recommendation forms.
If you plan to apply for Financial Aid, please bring copies of the following:
• 2023 W2 or 1099 (if you do contract work)
• 2023 Tax Return
This will help to speed up the processing of your paperwork.
Note: Classes cannot be reserved until the online application, two positive recommendation forms, financial clearance, and online enrollment are completed, even if you turn a schedule in at Grad Brunch.
Spend Your Summer with Andrews University!
July 28 - August 16
The Early College Experience is an in-person summer program for rising high school Juniors and Seniors as well as incoming college Freshmen. Come join us for three weeks of learning and fun on the campus of Andrews University. Each student will take one, 3-credit hour college course in addition to participating in seminars, activities, and local travel. This is a great way to earn college credit as a high schooler!
Admissions requirements for the summer 2024 Early College Experience have been changed.
All applicants must fill out and submit the online application. Students must have a 3.25 High School GPA with a college prep curriculum.* ACT, SAT or PSAT scores preferred. Students can be admitted without test scores, but must meet high school curriculum requirements. For questions, please email
*Rising juniors must submit additional test scores. Please contact the program director for special inquiries.
Students can apply for the Early College Experience online following the instructions below. In addition to the application, you will need to submit a copy of your high school transcript and the relevant standardized test scores.
The easiest way to apply is to use our fillable application. Click the link above and download the form. Fill it out and send it back to AU via email at
If you want to apply online, visit the online application right here or by visiting Choose the undergraduate application and be sure to apply for the Main Campus as a high school guest student. You must apply as a high school guest to get the special rate. In addition, make sure you choose the summer term and click "yes" for Early College. The rest of the application is simple and should only take a few minutes to complete.
After AU receives the application and additional documents, they will review your information and you will receive a decision letter. If you have already been admitted for the fall term, they will have your documents on file. If you are admitted to the program, you will receive an acceptance letter with instructions on your next steps and payment information. Please remember, acceptance to the Early College Program is not an admission to Andrews University as a full-time student. If you have any trouble with the application or have questions, please contact them at
2024 Courses
College Writing I*
Communications Skills
World Civilizations*
Scripture* (general education religion)
*honors eligible courses
The Early College Experience is a single package price of $1,295. This covers all costs, including tuition, housing, food, books, and activities. There are no hidden costs or additional fees.
More Info |
Textbook Information
The online textbook store will open on July 1.
FACTS or Andrews Email Log In Help
If you need help logging in to FACTS or help with your Andrews email and password, please contact Mrs. Meekma ( in the main office.
You can find your schedule, grades, etc. on FACTS.
AA Uniforms Available from Lands' End
Uniforms can be purchased from Lands’ End, including for PE. Click on the option(s) that you would like, then choose the size (kid or adult). Please be mindful that Andrews Academy is not responsible for your orders.
We do have a limited supply of uniforms for sale at AA (cash or check only) during office hours.
AA's Lands' End Store |
Please review the Sourcebook (pgs 79-81) for more information regarding uniforms. Only approved logoed uniform wear is allowed. A solid-color, long sleeved undershirt may be worn under the AA short-sleeved polo (no writing should be visible on the undershirt). If a student is wearing an AA logoed jacket, they should also have an AA logoed shirt underneath. Only AA logoed jackets are allowed to be worn in the building.
The PE uniform can only be worn during PE class.
School Communications
The E-Sanjo and other communications from the school, including classroom teacher communications, use the email address(es) that you (and your parents) have recorded in FACTS when you registered for Andrews Academy. We will also use students' AU email address. Some have been wondering why they are not receiving their school communications to a certain email. If you wish to have communications sent to a specific email address, please send the change to Thank you!
Andrews Academy
8833 Garland Ave Berrien Springs, MI 49104