Andrews Academy's
Official Newsletter
Dear AA Families,
I hope and pray all is well. We are approaching the end of the semester. During this time, students can often feel like relaxing in the areas of classwork, attendance, and uniform. Please remind your child(ren) about these critical components.
We solicit your prayers while we work through the accreditation process.
Many of our students and teachers will be involved in upcoming tours. We have the Backpacking tour and Outdoor Education tour. We are grateful that we can resume some sense of normalcy. We pray for God's guiding care and protection over all participants.
It is paramount that we provide a safe learning environment for our students and teachers, both in and outside of our building. I have been informed that some parents are dropping their children off in the parking lot instead of the designated drop off and pick up area at the front of the school. Please refrain from dropping students off at undesignated locations. This is for their safety.
All true knowledge and real development have their source in a knowledge of God. Wherever we turn, in the physical, mental, or spiritual realms; in whatever we observe and study, apart from the blight of sin, this knowledge is revealed. Whatever line of investigation we pursue with a sincere purpose to arrive at truth, we are brought in touch with the unseen mighty Intelligence
that is working in and through all.
Ellen G. White
Let us continue to work in harmony as we seek to introduce our children to Jesus, who is the truth. Thank you for your continued support and your commitment to Christian Education.
Student Association Election Results
The new Student Association officers for 2022-2023 school year were announced on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. The election results are as follows:
President: Nathaniel Miller
Social Vice: Conner Moore
Pastor: Fiorella Oudri
Secretary: Jordan Kim
Treasurer: Max Snyder
Public Relations: Natalie Makumbe
Parliamentarian: Seth Shelley
Please pray for these new leaders of the school as they plan for next year’s events and implement their ideas next school year.
Please also pray for other elections happening soon as other groups organize for the 2022-2023 school year.
The junior class will hold their elections for next school year on May 2, so the new senior class officers for the class of 2023 can begin their planning for next school year and their senior class trip. NHS elections will be on May 13.
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Robotics Class
We are sorry to report that a “fight” broke out in the robotics class today! Only minor “injuries” were reported—one of the fasteners fell off but was quickly repaired. When it was all over they did “clean up” after themselves! Thank you, robots.
This semester, Mr. William Yoong, AA alumnus, is teaching a Robotics Class for the Academy. The name of the robots that the students are working with is the VEX clawbot, and they are using graphical programming in a software by VEX robotics called ROBOTC.
2022-2023 Re-Enrollment
Andrews Academy’s administration and staff welcomes you to re-enroll for the 2022-2023 school year. Please take time now to complete your child’s enrollment for next year.
- Instructions and forms are located on the Andrews Academy website.
Class Schedule Information:
Once you have re-enrolled online and completed your Financial Agreement with Ms. Gracie (, you will receive an email with instructions on how to make an appointment for a class schedule with our Registrar, Ms. Ivonne.
Please note dates for priority enrollment based on class standing. ** It is important to make sure to schedule your appointment in the correct week:
Seniors (class of 2023) - ended
Juniors (class of 2024) - ended
Sophomores (class of 2025) - Next Week, April 18-22
* If you missed your designated class week, you may need to schedule your appointment for a later time. Contact Ms. Ivonne for more information.
Tuition payment #9 is due on or before Monday, April 25.
Tuition payment #10 for SENIORS is due on or before Monday, May 2.
5K Fun Run for Kosrae
Sunday, May 15, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Andrews University Campus
$10 donation entry fee
Snacks/water provided
This 5K is being organized by the 2:25 Intro to Running PE class as a fundraiser for a school on the island of Kosrae. Watch for more details or contact Mrs. Mills (
AA Girls Night
Tomorrow, Saturday evening, April 16
5:00 - 10:30 PM
Ticket required
Latin American Culture Class
Latin American Culture class learned about Cuba this week. They have been blessed to have Ms. Ivonne and her father, Pastor Segui, share about Cuba’s culture and history. They imparted their knowledge both personally and through second hand experiences. One of the classes involved making Pastelitos de guayaba y queso (guava and cheese filled pastries). Thank you to each of you for making this learning experience a “tasty” learning experience as well.
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Chapels this Week
We were privileged to have Mr. Norton, AA woodworking class teacher, deliver the devotional for chapel on Wednesday. Mr. Norton was never picked first for the baseball team in elementary school. Not much changed in high school either. He was told to pass the ball if he ever had possession of it. Mr. Norton understands what it feels like to be unwanted. However, he wanted to remind us that God will always choose us. In John 15:16, God directly tells us this. He also says that He chose us for a purpose. He wants us to be a part of His picture, but God gives us a choice to choose Him. In closing, Mr. Norton encouraged us to choose God and be a part of His picture.
Thursday was class devotions.
After song service today (Friday), chapel began with a prayer activity. Callie Carlsen led this activity. She instructed everyone to write down something they felt guilty about or for which they needed forgiveness. As Easter is around the corner, Callie wanted to remind us of God's grace and mercy. Grace is the forgiveness and removal of sin. However, mercy is the forgiveness and the price paid for the sin. Good Friday and Easter are reminders of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. She then had each person tear up their pieces of paper and place them in the basket representing God forgiving us and removing our sins.
Important: Remember that in order to order lunch, students must have a signed contract with AU Dining Services/Bon Appetit and their ID card. Also, lunches need to be ordered online or through the GET Mobile app at least one day in advance (by 5 PM). See instructions in a previous E-Sanjo or contact Dining Services for more information - 269-471-3161 or If a student orders lunch but then is absent that day, please email Dining Services by 9:00 AM to cancel the order.
Film Premiere
This film tells the story of the DePaiva family who moved from Andrews University in 2002 to pastor the Koror church on the island nation of Palau, only to suffer a shocking tragedy. It’s the incredible true story of Melissa DePaiva’s survival, a story of how faith and forgiveness emerged from an appalling crime.
Both Melissa and her husband, Michael Gibson, will attend the documentary premiere event, along with the Return to Palau director, Michelle Hamel (mother of AA student, Owen Hamel), a 1995 graduate of Andrews Academy, and producer Ann Hamel.
A reception will be held after the event, including an opportunity to meet and greet Melissa and Michael Gibson.
No tickets required. Program is FREE of charge,
and all are invited to attend.
2022 Summer Program
Where: Andrews University
Bell Hall, Suite 114
Ages: 12+
What is it?
Social Survival is a therapist led program that combines your love of video games with effective social skill strategies.
What You Will Learn
How to carry on effective conversation by using a variety of social strategies
How to interpret body language and other non-verbal communication
How to connect with peers, maintain friendships, and much more!
For more information:
When:June 13 - July 1 (Monday - Friday)
Ages 12-14: 8:30-9:30
Ages 15-17: 10:00-11:00
Ages 18+: 11:30-12:30
RAD Self-Defense Class
Who: Ladies ages 12 & up
Wonderful mother/daughters, girl's evenings, and any lady who would like to learn some potentially life-saving methods of self-defense.
When: Monday, April 25 - Wednesday, April 27
5:30-9:00 PM
Food will be provided.
Where: The Community Center at the Stevensville Adventist Church
6657 Stevensville-Baroda Rd
Stevensville, MI
Cost: Free (donations welcome)
Reserve your spot by April 21 by texting Jen Lemon (269-340-2264).
Andrews Academy
8833 Garland Ave Berrien Springs, MI 49104